Alex Gardiner – Exclusive interview with WCM on the new Gardiner/GrippaTank WFP system.

It was only a matter of time before Gardiner Pole Systems Ltd would enter into the ‘system’ arena. We speak to Alex Gardiner, a Director of Gardiner Pole Systems Ltd for an exclusive interview.

The new system is MIRA crash tested and designed to STOP when you STOP. It is also well cheap, which means you can build up a fleet of window cleaning vans in no time.

Extract from interview…..

“WCM: Hi Alex, thanks for speaking with us. After having huge success with your range of water fed pole products over the years, this announcement puts Gardiner firmly into the ‘system’ market. What are you calling the system?

Alex: These crash-restraint systems are being marketed under the GrippaMax™ name.”

Read the rest of this exclusive detailed interview in the next issue of WCM.

WCM next issue out 2nd April 2012. If you have subscribed to the magazine the link for your free issue will be dropped into your inbox.
