Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
Alex Gardiner – How it all started.

If you have not heard of Gardiner Pole Systems by now my question to you would be, ‘what rock have you been hiding under?’. Gardiner Pole Systems sells the most water fed poles on the planet, and we actually do mean ‘the planet’ as they continue to grow on the World stage. For a company that does not have a marketing department, budget or…., ‘anyone’ marketing…. the leaps and bounds Gardiner have taken over the years…

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What brands did you buy in 2017?

First let us look at which squeegee brands did you buy in 2015? Squeegee purchase is a great barometer of brand loyalty. Window Cleaning Magazine ran a poll on which brand of squeegee, BOAB, applicator, scrapers etc YOU the window cleaner prefered. That poll was carried out in January 2015. 2015 saw the Unger squeegee top of the leaderboard across all product ranges. Not surprisingly really, as this bad boy boasts the largest range of window cleaning products, globally….

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Do you wear window cleaning backpacks on your back?

Backpacks are funny things. Derived and modified by manufacturers and sold with a pump allowing the window cleaner to ‘wear’ the backpack that can hold up to 22 litres of pure water, leaving the window cleaner free to move independent from a van mounted system. There are varied reasons why a window cleaner would choose a backpack, however,  most window cleaners do not actually use them as backpacks. The product intention is still there and some window cleaners…

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Featured Reader: Matt Saxon

Let me introduce you to Matt Saxon. Matt is a window cleaner by day and a Fireman by night. He has always been a window cleaner before he became a Fireman and so it is interesting to see how the two jobs twine together. WCM: Matt, you are a window cleaner and a fireman? How are your two jobs shared through the day? Matt: Yes I am a fireman. I window clean in the day, usually Monday…

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Featured Reader: Louis Chavez – Window cleaning for famous people

We love talking to window cleaners that provide their services to the rich and famous. Today’s interview is with Louis Chavez of All Bright Services from Petaluma, California USA. Louis has been cleaning windows for 27 years but steady for the last 17 years. He started a janitorial business in his junior year of high school. Years later he decided to shorten those services to mainly window cleaning. WCM: Commercial or residential? LC: About 90% Residential and…

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Can I use a UK truck for my pure water system?

A lot of window cleaners have looked at using TRUCKS instead of VANS for their window cleaning business in the UK. So what are the pro’s and con’s and how good are trucks for window cleaners? First let us look at the negatives. Err, ok there are none that spring to mind right now except to probably mention that if you are looking for anything over a 350/450L tank size then the truck is not the answer. But then again a combo…

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How to win a residential bid in 8 minutes

This title is a little precise dont you think? But so true! It just happened to me JUST now and it happens to me all the time. It’s so efficient, most of the time that I felt I needed to share this with you. Its Monday morning as I write at 9.24am. I took an enquiry 9.12am. Simone asked if I could give her a quotation for a regular window clean. She used to have a guy but he turned…

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