Window Cleaning Magazine – OUT NOW! Issue Nov/Dec 2015

Window Cleaning Magazine is back! – In this issue we explore what it feels like, as a first timer, at the #HugeConvention, Washington DC. I was there and so was WCM’s new resident writer Carrie Guenther. Read Carrie’s review on Page 25.

The speakers were amazing with tangible take away stuff that you could introduce into your window cleaning or pressure washing business instantly. There was a definite vibe of guys and gals wanting to improve on their business and make it profitable.

If you are lucky to find yourself on the evening meal table of either, Unger or J Racenstein, then you are in for a hell of a night! You will make connections in a social setting with suppliers and fellow business owners. Unger is totally approachable to the man in the street here and it’s way awesome to see. It is also a bonus for companies like Unger too, because they get to connect to would be buyers, who in turn will also pass on how fun and awesome they are.

One memorable thing for me was after the meal with Unger, JRC and a scattering of business owners/attendees in this Steak Bar we found on the second night. We all gathered around a mechanical bull where we dared each other to have a go. You must’ve seen these in bars before. The trick is, you have to last the longest time and stay clinched tight to that mechanical bull as it tries to throw you off! Everyone tried to get me up on it, I would not do it. Eventually due to peer pressure I was forced to go give my name to the lady operator for my turn.

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“Do you have ID?” she said.

“No I have not.” I sensed my get out card. “Well, I cannot let you on if you do not have ID”.

“No problem”, I said as I returned to the group, with glee I announced that she would not let me on because I had no ID. You would think that would be the end of that, right? Oh, no!

Bearing in mind some of these guys I have just met. Unbeknown to me, a whip around was organised where they collected an unknown amount of dollars in order to bribe the lady operative to let me on the bull. The British guy had to go on the bull!!!! Safe to say I did not last long. But it was such a laugh.

This example just underlines the atmosphere with the new people I met and with old friends I already knew.

The trade show was awesome with huge giveaways at the end. It felt like Black Friday but where everything was given away free.

I would definitely recommend this event! And checking out Washington DC is a big plus.Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 4.27.26 PM

Check out Wagga’s review on the Constructor Brush by Reach-iT and the X-Tank from X-Line in this issue.

The magazine has way more video links at the end of the articles than ever before.

So check out the V3 functionality explained, also in video form, hosted by CEO of GrippaTank, Ollie Stanton, and WCM asked Unger how proud they must feel about becoming winners of the Innovation Award with their nLite Hydro Power DI product.

Look out for the next issue where we reveal the latest Unger product – The Stingray Indoor Window Cleaning Kit, both on video and with an article review. New, exclusive interviews and product reviews for 2016. 

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Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 4.22.32 PMThe World’s Number 1 Window Cleaning Magazine

