Facelift and the Giant Slayer – New Hollywood Blockbuster Uses Window Cleaning Tools for Special Effects

What has window cleaning and Hollywood got in common? Not that much really – but, believe it or not, a recent multi-million pound blockbuster used some window cleaning technology to help out in the special effects department.

You may have seen the adverts on TV for Jack the Giant Slayer which was released across the country and stars some Hollywood heavyweights including Stanley Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy and Ewan McGregor.


So what has this to do with window cleaning? Well, the production company making the film contacted Facelift Cleaning Systems looking to solve a problem they were facing. The movie features a ‘lot of giants’ and as these were to be created by CGI, the actors needed a point of reference to perform against. The idea was to attach a giant ‘head’ to a long pole and  give the correct giant height that the actors could see and react to.

The special effects department were using standard type poles but were having issues with lightness and rigidity, so they contacted Facelift, a world renowned water fed pole manufacturer, to help them come up with a viable solution. The Facelift Carbon range was suggested and after rigorous testing, proved ideal. The water fed poles were then modified and fitted into a harness that the operator would wear while acting out the scene.

So when you’re sat in the cinema with your kids, fighting over popcorn, you can impart the knowledge that a window cleaning pole was used in the magic of making the Giants come to life. Who said window cleaning isn’t glamorous!
