I have spoken to window cleaners from all over the world about the need for software that is Cloud based and in real time.
We all get email in our accounts from time to time from companies trying to sell us something. It is a part of life now and the new way to do business. Every now and then one will just catch your eye.
I received one of those today. It is an App that you can use between PC and Smart Phones and have your staff and vehicles at your fingertips all day long!
In the software’s current format, you can do the following things:
- Allocate job deliveries in real time and track progress
- Send and receive messages between office and staff
- View traffic conditions to help manage workflow
- Know when a task is complete
- Obtain electronic signatures in real time and track progress
Now I can here what your saying! That sounds like an App for a logistics company and you would be right.
Indeed this App is set up for them very reasons, but the potential in it for window cleaning companies is massive.
I picked up the phone and called the guy who sent me the email. His name is Don.
Don has said that he could create the App to be specific to window cleaners with all the stuff that you will need. I got excited at this point, as personally I have been looking for something like this for my company for what seems like an age!
Therefore, we started to discuss what window cleaners might want. It would be an App with a combined dashboard, no more software to download, all in real time. I covered some pointers with him as follows:
- Scheduling
- Allocating to a crew
- Messaging between staff and the office
- Taking payments
- Taking photos and messaging in real time to your staff on jobs that your staff are bidding on
- Manage work
We even came up with an idea of an App for your customers. They log into a free App and can see when you might next be in the area, payment options, balance on account.
I just asked one of my customers what they thought about a Customer Support App. She told me that it would make my company stand out and it would prove a useful thing to have access to. I then told her how much she owes because that is why she originally rang. The irony lol….
I think this would be awesome and I personally know many that would use it.
Price is TBN but it could be as little as £10.00 or less per month.
Don has asked me to talk to you guys and ask what you feel about an App like this? What do you want to see this App do?
Now we all know that some customers do not have Smart Phones or are elderly to use a Customer Support App. That is ok, its there if they need it. Some might say I am ok with using my book or I have my round in my head, which is great too. This product idea would suit bucket Joe’s right up to corporate.
This is our chance to build something that does everything we want it to, that would make are lives easier. It has the potential to make us more money and build unbreakable relationships with existing customers.
What would you like to see in this App?
Your thoughts…..?