Marketing Your Window Cleaning Business For Success
If you’re currently operating a window cleaning business or plan to start one soon, let me tell you what separates a small time operator from the folks making $20,000 a month. It all comes down to marketing and service. The difference between your business and your competitors will be the consistency of service and the degree of marketing.
It takes an average of seven impressions for a prospect to gain a positive impression of your brand. That’s the reason why companies spend millions of dollars a year to repeat the same ads on television, radio or in print. You must be determined to reach the same people over and over again with consistent messaging.
If you currently use flyers or business cards as your promotional material and they have been working for you, then stick to what works. There’s no need to jump on every marketing idea that comes down the pike. Develop a sensible program from the start then improve on it until you can quantify the results.
Be aware of your target market; the people who can afford to have their windows cleaned live in a certain area or have their offices at specific locations throughout your town. Identify those areas and work your territory.
Follow up with your window cleaning customers and prospects regularly. If your prospects say no, thank them for taking the time to see you and put them on your six month or three month follow-up list. Use tracking software or even Microsoft Outlook on your computer to maintain your list in order to send out specials to your prospects regularly.
If you mail out postcards to selected homes in your area and you’re currently distributing 1000 mailers, your average response rate maybe 1%. If you send out 10 bids from your mailing you might get eight jobs. If your current system is working and you feel it necessary to increase your customer base, see if you can find another 250 prospective clients to add to your mailing list. Even if you simply add one or two extra window cleaning customers a month from your additional mailing, you will be increasing your client base by 12 to 24 new customers a year.
You can do the same thing if you’re finding your percentages beginning to decrease from 1% to.75% or less. Once you’re tracking the numbers, you can adjust your mailing to either maintain your averages or increase your customer base. This is all possible if you have a system. Get in touch with window cleaning professionals who focus on helping new businesses grow.
Look like a window cleaning professional. Whether you purchase and embroider a jacket with your logo on it or have your logo emblazoned on your polo shirts, maintain a uniform look when you visit a customer or prospect. This consistency will not only brand your business, it will also bring a sense of familiarity and trust.Marketing your window cleaning businesseffectively separates you from all the other small time operators.