New X-Line Brackets


X-Line has just released a new addition to their popular X-Line System. The raised platforms are designed to save bending over when reeling from the floor or from the floor of the vehicle.

I know from personal experience of doing both how much effort is involved. Having a sturdy chest level platform has to be a bonus in any window cleaner’s eyes.

The bracket positioning allows easy winding in with the added bonus of creating additional floor space. I bet you’re now thinking, what you can fill that floor space with?

The brackets can be easily retrofitted to any of the three sizes of X-Line Systems out there by simply bolting into the existing framework.

If the X-Line reels don’t take your fancy, the brackets can be customised to fit any reel of your choice. Want to have a HD electric reel installed? No problem, the setup accepts these types of reels too. They can also install underfloor hose guides, allowing you to operate the system with your doors closed.

So do your back a favour and get on the ‘blower’ to X-Line, because at a £100 each tag price, these are a steal.

For more information regarding these raised reel platforms, please give them a call on 0115 9394444. Website:

Watch X-Lines video here:

