Nominations for the Best Residential Water Fed Pole


Some of you may be aware that WCM have started a campaign to discover the Best Residential Water Fed Pole 2012. By residential pole, we mean that it is defined by its height and that it is able to comfortably clean residential properties whether 2 or 3 storeys high. Once we have found the best, we will award that pole the title.

The idea of the award is simple. Window cleaners nominate a water fed pole that they think deserves to be recognised in the window cleaning community as the best.

The ‘Best,’ is a broad term. We would like you to nominate a pole based on its design, ease of use, weight and cost or value for money.
Once the nominations have been collected, which you can now nominate on our home page at, we will then direct everyone to the link for the final voting stage.

Voting will be left open until September 15th 2012 and the winner announced in October 2012 issue of WCM.

We are planning other nominations in other categories for future awards such as, best squeegee, best water fed pole system etc. In fact, if you have an idea please, email us at

The WCM Award is something that I feel will give so much to our industry by proving to be a benefit for not just the companies that make the tools we use but also for us window cleaners that use these tools.

It would help us to receive better products, innovations and value for money kit in the future.

Some keen eyed readers out there may notice a name change in the title of this award from ‘Domestic’ to ‘Residential’. After promoting the nominations and award on the forums circuit, many US memberships were not familiar with the term ‘Domestic’.

So, who has been nominated so far? Thus far, the wfp’s already nominated are:

  • Elite by The Water Fed Pole Company
  • SL-X by Gardiner Pole Systems Ltd
  • CL-X by Gardiner Pole Systems Ltd
  • Super-Lite Xtreme by Gardiner Pole Systems Ltd
  • Reach-iT Mini by The Future of Cleaning
  • Sim999 by SimPole
  • The Garfter by Ionics
  • The Glyder by Ionics
  • Fushion by Facelift
  • Assasin Ninja by Assasin

