Not heard of the Gunslinger yet? Essentially this is the next generation of squeegee and applicator holster that sits on a window cleaners hip hanging from a utility belt. The Gunslinger is not really a BOAB ( Bucket on a belt) it is claimed to be better than that. Utilising ‘tip tech’, washable, rugged materials and having the flexibility to hold your tools securely without the knee knocks plastic BOABS dish out, this product is riding a trending rage currently.
As in all business decisions, good ideas have to be balanced by the unit cost. The Gunslinger is not the cheapest holster on the market, but when looked at from the practical and functional point of view as well as the longevity aspect, these are crucial points that would have to play into real traction for this product. But from a personalised product point of view, the cost certainly hits the right spot – more on that further down this blog.
Window Cleaning Magazine got their hands on this product during the IWCA 2018 Convention & Trade Show in Kissimmee, Orlando, and we have to say they are an awesome looking product. We do not think anything has been thought of on this level before and as always Reach-iT is helping to drive innovation. Innovation is sadly lacking in the UK industry currently if it was not for Ionic’s radical new releases only in the last 12 months that included the Portage System. Considering the UK is the epicentre of all things window cleaning.
Ionic catch-up? Article on the Ionic Protector - http://www.windowcleaningmagazine.co.uk/systems-shocking-upgrade/ Video on the Ionic Vertigo - https://youtu.be/1MFtyEz-PmA
Originally created by Maykker Products, CEO, Richie Blue soon connected with Reach-iT in order to help with speeding up the production of each unit. “I had to learn about blueprints and sewing on the go”, said Richie. He also revealed to Outlaw Window Cleaner Radio last week that the Gunslinger WILL be part of a whole system. Essentially, you can choose the size of bags to suit the work, so a smaller item if your work is mainly on ropes for example.
The system will include many add on’s to the utility belt including rumors of a full range of traditional window cleaning tools from Maykker and Reach-iT!
We have posted a video on the Gunslinger HERE previously.
“Perry cares a lot, no kidding around,” says Ritchie Blue to OWC Radio. ” He is an innovator and in tune with great ideas”.
Gunslinger has just reached the next level with the release of a new website where you can personalise your Gunslinger from multiple colour and design options to materials. Visit https://store.futureofcleaning.com/collections/frontpage/products/custom-gunslinger-1
OWCR asked Richie Blue what is the most crazy-ass material he has used to make a gunslinger? He revealed it was one he had made out of Alligator hyde that cost several hundred bucks in the hyde alone. When asked if he uses it on the job, Richie replies ‘ No sir, I will not be using that on a job. It stays in my office’.
Gunslinger is fresh on the market with more planned as the Gunslinger innovation continues. The buzz right now is that the Gunslinger sits snug on your leg with no ‘wet leg’, tip jar tech collects water spillage, the capacity is great with washable materials and military grade buckles.
Richie has been wearing his own Gunslinger on his own route work for well over a year now without the product degrading.
Window Cleaning Magazine looks forward to carrying out a full review just as soon as we get this product to our office.