Storm Doris Vs UK Window Cleaners Today


At this moment in time window cleaners have either stayed at home, or have not lasted too long as 80mph wind and rain hits the UK today. A weather related death has already been reported by Sky News. In Torquay window cleaner, Lee Waring had to cancel work on a retirement home using 45 ft poles. Shawshine Services reported high winds in the West Midlands.

Mr Bungalow Local Window Cleaner, Peter Keeffe in Skegness, East Coast of the UK reports Seagulls flying backwards and Kerry Jones from South Wales reports high winds but slightly manageable ( lets see how long that situation lasts)

Will Ogg of H2O reported having to ‘not risk it’ and returned home, meanwhile High Shine Ltd had to cancel work on a Birmingham school. Tom Coyle of Tom Coyle Window Cleaning had to down tools at 11.30am this morning in Nottingham. In Sheffield, Atkin & Son have reported 40mph wind and rain effecting his crew’s schedule. They have just pulled off work at 3pm, so not bad regards still getting some work done..

It gets worse in Fife, Scotland with snow storms reported by window cleaner Chris Fotheringham of Fife Window Cleaning Services and in Forfar, Angus by Stuart Cormie.

It would appear, however, North East of the UK fared better with John Nellis of J Nellis Window Cleaning Services taking the day off expecting the worse. John reports with disappointment “no, rain and no wind, after all in my area!”, then happily announces, “…. Im still taking the day off”. Jason Strawson of All Done Window Cleaning states, “….he is struggling! Struggling to get out of bed”, fortunately for him he is ahead of his cleaning schedule and so he now takes cover under the duvet.

Local window cleaner in Northampton UK, Richard Hyde showed the real spirit of a true window cleaner. Window cleaners are well immersed into residential communities knowing customers on personal terms. Even customers that cancel services for whatever reason get help when needed by their old window cleaner, as in this case. A couple hours ago one lady found a tree sitting not in its usual spot. In fact the wind had completely uprooted it and it now lies on top of her house and car.

Local community spirit kicked in to assist the shocked woman. Richard Hyde and others took chainsaws to strip as much as they could from the tree before the arrival of assistance. Heres hoping Mr Hyde gets a big fat tip…. like a big mug of tea and a barrel of custard creams or at least the window cleaning job back 🙂

Personally, I have just learned that my partner and kids have just narrowly escaped brick work falling in the high street. It was serious, they could of been seriously injured. Please take care out there.

