Ionic Systems are famous for putting safety first. One thing you can be sure about with Ionic is that when they claim something is ‘safe’, you can bet your bottom dollar they can back it up.
Ionic lead the way in crash tested van mounted systems becoming the first to put their products through crash tests at the Thatcham Testing Centre, UK. So, when Ionic reveal a new pole upgrade called The Protector that is designed to take electric shocks of up to 1000 continuous volts and up to 10,000 surge volts it is reassuring to hear that many handle sections were subject to a hellish time in the testing chamber.
It would make interesting viewing to be a fly on the wall and witness the Ionic board meeting discussing who would be first to test the pole upgrade for real. To the relief of Ionic staff thou, the Protector went through harsh BS tests.
The Protector is essentially a ‘pole handle’ upgrade focused on safety and can be added to any water fed pole. It conforms to internationally respected British Standard BS:8020.
Due to the nature of its safety aspect, the handle has an extra special protective inner lining and users must be prepared for an increase weight of around 10% to your existing water fed pole. As with all lengthy use, there should be regular breaks and switching of staff in order to reduce fatigue.
Window Cleaning Magazine asked Craig Mawlam, Chairman of Ionic Systems why The Protector handle upgrade?
Craig, “In 35 years having and known personally a number of window cleaners who were killed or injured in avoidable window cleaning accidents, at Ionic, window cleaner safety is difficult to ignore.
I guess its those years of hands on window cleaning experience that makes us that bit more connected than some in the supply chain. Sadly news of window cleaners that have died or have been seriously burned when the water fed pole they were using hit an overhead power line are too common these days.
When we introduced the ‘Reach & Wash’ system 20 years ago it was to make window cleaning safer! All a manufacturer need do is apply a label warning of the risk of electrocution and they are in the clear. When some even fit aluminium handle sections to their carbon fiber water fed poles its clear that your safety isn’t really their priority.
Now the safety conscious window cleaner can make an informed choice about the type of water fed pole he uses, lightning conductor or ‘Protector’. Subconsciously it’s a one sided decision a window cleaner who uses water fed poles makes every day. Honestly every window cleaner should carry a ‘Protector’ pole in their van so that they have a real choice”.
Watch the video on The Protector upgrade below.
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