Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
The years roll by (An excerpt from the book Running For Home by Christopher Dawber. Amazon Kindle Store) WCM’s very own Wagga

“One morning a few years back, I had just started work when an elderly woman came out of the house next to the one I was cleaning. She was obviously in distress and shouted that her husband had collapsed. She was on the phone and the emergency services were talking to her when I entered her house. I found her husband Francis, aged 78 collapsed on the floor of the kitchen. He’d obviously fallen against the…

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