Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
Revealed: Gunslinger will be part of a ‘system’

Not heard of the Gunslinger yet? Essentially this is the next generation of squeegee and applicator holster that sits on a window cleaners hip hanging from a utility belt. The Gunslinger is not really a BOAB ( Bucket on a belt) it is claimed to be better than that. Utilising ‘tip tech’, washable, rugged materials and having the flexibility to hold your tools securely without the knee knocks plastic BOABS dish out, this product is riding a trending rage currently….

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Booth Talk: Gunslinger – bucket on a belt

Playtime: 1.00 Synopsis: Booth Talk discovers the features of the Gunslinger a soft BOAB ( Bucket on a belt). Hosted by Tim Huber of Outlaw Window Cleaner, Tim demonstrates some of the new features of this product. Background to this mini-series: Booth Talk was founded by Lee Burbidge, Editor of Window Cleaning Magazine. At window cleaning conventions, trade shows, and training events, Booth Talk cameras interview companies with the latest and greatest products and gadgets, bringing to you whats hot and…

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Window Cleaning magazine Issue 23 – OUT NOW

Window Cleaning magazine issue 23 is now available to read for free online as a PDF or in a flip page format – just click this line to read. To buy a printed issue click here: Order printed copy So what is in this issue? Window Cleaning Magazine continues to be the only independent trade mag in the biz. Trusted by many to bring the latest views, opinions and products right to your fingertips. No matter if…

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