Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
The Humble Brass Squeegee

Some say that your choice of squeegee throughout your window cleaning life is determined by your initial entry into this great industry. The very first squeegee that you choose to pick up and attempt towards cleaning perfection is usually the squeegee you stick with for life. The weight, handle and glide forges your confidence in this amazing job you selected for varying reasons. Some happy to achieve full time pay for part time hours, some with…

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Moerman enters an innovating stage. Polzn Bladz chips in.

So, my alarm rang out on my iPhone at 5 AM mid week. It was not to take my self into the High Shine office in order to organise the work schedules and it was not for me to be on any site for any reason whatsoever. No – this was Window Cleaning Magazine work and I was about to rise, brush my teeth, shower and get ready for my journey to Northampton, UK. It had…

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Round Partner to be official sponsor of POV: Window Cleaning documentary

It is announced that Round Partner is to become the official sponsor of POV: Window Cleaning, the new WCM TV documentary due to start filming in the summer of 2015. For those that do not know, POV ( Point Of View) will be filmed in a reality show format. The program will be following up to 5 window cleaning companies across the UK in their day to day activities and challenges. So what is Round Partner?…

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Window Cleaning Magazine Facebook Group – Thread hits 3.7k posts in 3 days!

There is no doubt about it, with one of the largest number of members in its group, every window cleaner on Facebook who frequents window cleaning groups would of been on Window Cleaning Magazine’s at some point in his or hers Facebook life. Attracting some of the biggest names in the industry, the group excels with its community providing a valuable source of ‘go to’ information. So it is of no surprise that the WCM Facebook…

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Why most window cleaners will die broke Part 1

Why most window cleaners will die broke Part 1 by Carl Phillips Ok, It’s now 3am, but I’m already sitting here in my office with a freshly pressed shirt, my favourite suit and a nice hot cup of Kenco coffee. Less than an hour ago, I was in bed,but was awoken by my own frustrations about the window cleaning industry. It says something that 21 years in to window cleaning, it can still keep you up nights…

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Lee Burbidge becomes the new owner of the Guild

Window Cleaning Magazine editor Lee Burbidge has today become the official owner of the Guild Of Master Window Cleaners.       The Guild was started 7 years ago by Nathanael Jones and was never intended as an alternative to the trade associations at the time instead it was built from the start to be something different . The founding members looked closely at the huge changes that the industry had faced in recent years such as affordable…

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The years roll by (An excerpt from the book Running For Home by Christopher Dawber. Amazon Kindle Store) WCM’s very own Wagga

“One morning a few years back, I had just started work when an elderly woman came out of the house next to the one I was cleaning. She was obviously in distress and shouted that her husband had collapsed. She was on the phone and the emergency services were talking to her when I entered her house. I found her husband Francis, aged 78 collapsed on the floor of the kitchen. He’d obviously fallen against the…

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