Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
Window Cleaning magazine Issue 23 – OUT NOW

Window Cleaning magazine issue 23 is now available to read for free online as a PDF or in a flip page format – just click this line to read. To buy a printed issue click here: Order printed copy So what is in this issue? Window Cleaning Magazine continues to be the only independent trade mag in the biz. Trusted by many to bring the latest views, opinions and products right to your fingertips. No matter if…

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What is CMS Berlin and why should we care?

The WCM Stig is Window Cleaning Magazine’s very own secret correspondent who dispatches reports on events and shows from across the planet. Today’s dispatch filed by the WCM Stig is from Europe. WCM Stig reports from the 19th-22nd September CMS Berlin 2017 event. So what is CMS Berlin and why should we care? Well, with over 429 exhibitors from over 24 countries with 29,000 square meters of indoor and outdoor space, we would say that the…

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