Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
When Buying IBC Tanks Go Wrong

I have a couple of IBC tanks at our shop in our city. We use them to generate 2000L of pure water, 24hrs, 7 days per week. From this ‘static system’ we fill our vehicles up and off they go to clean windows all day. I can’t remember where we bought the two tanks from, but I do know they cost around £150+vat each plus around £60.00+vat delivery. When they arrived at the shop they were brand…

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Reach-iT Think Tank: 2017 Innovations

Perry Tait is State side and currently preparing to attend a PWNA Event on the 17th and 18th November.  Perry has always strived to improve his products and make life easier for window cleaners with the goal of getting water fed pole brush strokes down to a one up, one down movement on the glass. Perry asks, “What do we see as the future innovations for pure water window cleaning?” Responding to his own question, he defiantly…

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Why Gardiner Smart Clamps work so well

Gardiner Pole Systems is probably one of the best known brands here in the UK for water fed poles and accessories. It certainly tops the popularity charts with UK window cleaners. The brand is also rapidly growing in the US and European markets – so then, why is this brand of telescopic poles growing so much in popularity and considered to be the ‘go to’ pole? Part of this must be down to the Gardiner Smart Clamps…

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Ionic Systems Event: A Great Success

  Every now and then something really special happens in our industry. Something soooo rare that even sceptics would muster up the strength and take a look in order to indulge their curiosity. Something so rare where usually the doors are slammed tight behind a wall of secrecy; the curtain is dropped for just a moment. So rare that this goliath industry leader at the top of their game opens itself up to the fascinated gazes of…

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Static system – is it right for you?

What is a static system? A static system is essentially a tank system that is stored inside a business premises or garage. Most static systems are plumbed into the water mains with pre filters screwed to a wall or other permanent structure. Because a static system is plumbed into the water mains this type of system will generate pure water 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. It is important to mention that a solenoid switch must…

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