Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
December 9th 2016: Grimsby, UK WCMTV filming at Purefreedom

Hey guys, something for the fans of Window Cleaning Magazine and WCM TV. On December 9th 2016 we will be documenting by film and article the journey of Scott O’Donohoe of Reflection Perfection. He is to have a custom built Purefreedom system installed into the back of his brand spanking new van. We are taking our WCM TV cameras along, with the permission of Purefreedom, and we are going to film a fly on the wall view of that…

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