Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
North Of The UK Gets Spotless

Spotless Water outlets have been popping up slowly across the South of England. If you don’t know what Spotless Water is by now, I would have to ask where have you been for the past couple of years? Briefly tho, for those that are unaware of how it all works let me just go over the concept real quick for you. Filling stations are placed around the country. At the filling stations, you can pay and decant…

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Spotless Water hit’s the spot nationally.

The window cleaning industry in the UK has very few real entrepreneurs. Largely window cleaners are happy to go about their business and few come up with great ideas with great growth potential. Yesterday a man called Tim Morris, from Poole in Dorset entered my office. He wanted to work with Window Cleaning Magazine on getting out his message, something I am always happy to do. As he sat in front of me and told me his…

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