Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
Why water fed pole a Qata skyscraper?

                      Martin Meakins is the owner of Reach and Wash in Perth, Australia. His company was established back in 2004 and although it is a Perth based business, the Company operates throughout Australia and overseas providing multi disciplined project services to a wide range of industries. Martin is also the owner of the awesome picture we used on the cover of a back issue of WCM. He spent…

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What is CMS Berlin and why should we care?

The WCM Stig is Window Cleaning Magazine’s very own secret correspondent who dispatches reports on events and shows from across the planet. Today’s dispatch filed by the WCM Stig is from Europe. WCM Stig reports from the 19th-22nd September CMS Berlin 2017 event. So what is CMS Berlin and why should we care? Well, with over 429 exhibitors from over 24 countries with 29,000 square meters of indoor and outdoor space, we would say that the…

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Unger HydroPower RO dissected

The HydroPower family product line from Unger has just grown by one with the new introduction of the HydroPower RO. With the HydroPower DI and its proven field performance together with the achievement of The Cleaning Show 2015 Innovation Award, it was only natural that Unger would turn its attention to RO. Unger R&D have looked into how they could simplify the management of an RO system. The main important element to the HydroPower range has…

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Ionic Systems – ‘shocking’ new pole upgrade.

  Ionic Systems are famous for putting safety first. One thing you can be sure about with Ionic is that when they claim something is ‘safe’, you can bet your bottom dollar they can back it up. Ionic lead the way in crash tested van mounted systems becoming the first to put their products through crash tests at the Thatcham Testing Centre, UK. So, when Ionic reveal a new pole upgrade called The Protector that is designed to take…

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Window Cleaning Training, the Master Class from Ionic Systems Down Under

The last few weeks Ionic Systems UK Managing Director Reuben Reynolds and the Australian Team, once again have covered many kilometres in getting out the Ionic message. In the past weeks Ionic Systems Australia has conducted two major structured events both in Sydney and Melbourne, where the founders of pure water fed cleaning, as we know today, took part along with Ionic Australia in a structured window and solar panel cleaning information and training event. The two planned…

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