Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
Look back update: The Cleaning Show Manchester was a big media success

The Manchester Cleaning Show took place at Event City, Manchester, on  6th and 7th April – and attracted unprecedented press coverage and visitor numbers. The Manchester Cleaning Show – the regional launch event based on its parent, the Cleaning Show in London – was open for business on 6 and 7 April…and was an instant hit with exhibitors and visitors alike. Even before the doors had opened, exposure on BBC Breakfast had created considerable interest and…

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Window Cleaners under attack by nature
Window Cleaners Attacker by Nature

I love window cleaning in the UK, where it is safe for window cleaners to work, relatively. Once considered one of the most dangerous jobs to do ( and essentially it still can be), water fed poles have assisted in improving the safety record a tad. When commercial window cleaning in the UK, you are least likely to come face to face with a homeowners unexpected Pit Bull dog. More likely if you are cleaning residential properties. Nature can…

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Water Fed Poles Vs Broken Bones

Slips, trips and falls are the most common workplace accidents. Years ago we were sold the idea of Water Fed Pole and Pure Water window cleaning technology as the 100% health & safety compliant method of cleaning windows. And it still is, but choosing to clean windows with water fed poles does not make you bullet proof, unfortunately. Here is my experience…. Commercial window cleaning companies in the UK have pretty much got Health & Safety imprinted as laws force…

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Ionic Roadshow UK kicks off tomorrow

See the Latest Equipment at 17 Venues Across the UK. Click here for the Ionic Systems website. The Reach & Wash® Roadshow returns this Spring, with events at 17 different venues throughout the UK. There’s no better way to see the latest equipment, including Ionic’s new machines and full range of award winning waterfed poles! If you’re in the market to get a new system, try some different poles, or just curious about what else is out…

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BOOM! – The World’s number 1 Window Cleaning Magazine

Jan/Feb issue is out now – click here.   Window Cleaning Magazine continues to lead the industry and grow ever more fans over its multi platform media outlets. Subscriber growth on WCM TV, the Magazine’s Youtube channel looks to catch up on longer standing window cleaning related channels in views and content. This has been helped by quality programing, and viewer video submissions as well as videos that cater for all lengths of attention deficits. Now, discovering Periscope, the new…

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Historic – IWCA and GANA come to agreement.

Breaking News: GANA and IWCA agreement: Proper Procedures for Cleaning Architectural Glass Products. WCM will have a full write up on this in the next magazine that will explain in full what this all means, what the back ground is to it all and what does it mean to window cleaners? The Glass Association of North America (GANA) and the International Window Cleaners Association (IWCA) have partnered together to provide an updated edition of the Proper Procedures…

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Top 5 marketing mistakes for your window cleaning business.

1)   Marketing without a USP USP stands for unique selling point; it is essentially what makes you unique from the other window cleaners in your town. Selling without a USP is like window cleaning without a squeegee, you might as well pack up and head back home. Sure, you can bounce along the bottom of the growth indicator, but is that really where you want to be? Even at the start of your business, bouncing along…

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