Breaking News: Reach-iT opens first brick and mortar store in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Cleaning Show 2019 at the Excel in London UK 2019 - Don't hang around in booking your booth - Contact Vanessa http://cleaningshow.co.uk/london/contact for options. - Spotless Water open two more ultrapure water filling stations in Birmingham and Derby UK
The truth about undercutting residential prices

I noticed this post yesterday in the Window Cleaning Magazine Facebook Group. A member had posted something they found else where on Facebook. It was a post about a window cleaner displaying his prices that were far lower than the average, in some cases by 50%. So what is the logic behind this? Is it that the window cleaner in question has no idea what to charge or is it something more sinister such as undercutting the…

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Captain America and friends Vs Children’s Hospital yesterday :)

There is nothing like ‘paying it forward’, ‘doing a good deed’, or doing something nice because you are a nice person with empathy and love for other human beings. Window washer Mark Errico of Allegheny Window Cleaning Inc. Pittsburgh USA and his crew of three others fit that bill yesterday as they cleaned a Children’s Hospital dressed as Captain America, Batman, Spider-Man and Superman. Patients, their families, hospital staff and passers by were treated to the…

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Cleaning the Shard, London costs £10,500 in Unger rubber per year!

Ever wondered what it takes to window clean glass on the Shard, London? Well, before you start pulling out the calculator, stretching your arm out, closing one eye whilst ‘thumbing’ the horizon with your tongue poked out and all from the comfort of your Shard vantage point. Let us just take a look at some building stats! The building has 306 flights of stairs with a total floor space of 27 acres and it is the largest building in Europe. So, remember…

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New BlackDiamond distributor for Scandinavia

Black Diamond announces and welcomes Fönsterputsbutiken as their new exclusive Black Diamond distributor in Sweden, Norway and Finland . Fönsterputsbutiken is owned by Ivan Pleinadius, World Champion in Speed Window Cleaning and owner of one of Sweden’s largest window cleaning companies Putsarkungen. (www.putsarkungen.se) Black Diamond, makers of the popular Black Diamond squeegee rubber had been been looking for the right partner in Scandinavia for some time. Casper Schjorring, the big boss at Black Diamond told Window Cleaning Magazine “We have found Ivan Pleinadius…

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Why the IWCA Convention & Trade Show Is Unique

You have events and then there are events. Ask yourself this; do you want to earn more money, build a successful business, and offer your staff the best equipment and tools for the job at hand? Do you want the care and attention you deserve with product support and training? Well look no further than the 2017 IWCA Convention & Trade Show to be held in Arizona USA, February 8-11 at the We-Ko-Pa Resort Conference Center,…

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