The WCN Picnic – July 28th 2012

You know what? this WCN Picnic is such a great idea. Its a great family day out too with lots going on. The WCN Picnic is in its 16th year with seasoned visitors come back, time after time.

Window cleaners come from all over the US for this event and I so wish there was one here in the UK……… may be I will start one??

I just love that community spirit of it all. Gary Mauer, the organizer, tells me that he has had visitors from the UK attending this event. I have certainly got this event on my radar for when I visit all the new friends I have made across the pond

Weekend of Saturday, July 28
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Grilled Santa Maria Steak & Sweet Corn
Fireworks show Friday night!
Golf Outing Friday afternoon.

The Picnic is a unique event that emphasizes natural networking opportunities.
A few brief seminars – mostly networking; hands on equipment and safety demos, a work truck show, golf and thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes and samples help make the Picnic the largest event every summer since 1997.
Attend alone or bring your family.
The fireworks show, a great meal, resort setting, games and area attractions help make it a family friendly event.

Oconomowoc: Lake area west of Milwaukee. Close to Wisconsin’s famous family attractions. Fly into MKE – drive in on I-94.

Olympia Resort & Spa –
Great room rate – $102 – includes spa access, wireless, microwave & fridge

Click here to read more. 
