The Window Cleaning Magazine is planning a trip to the US in April 2013 and will be using New York as a spring board for its tour of the USA.
The idea is to capture on film and interview the US window cleaning industry and discover how different the work culture is compared to the rest of the world particularly the UK.
WCM has earmarked companies such as All County Window Cleaning NJ, Tonys Window Cleaning NY, A Sparkling View NY, Empire Window Cleaning Missouri and Jeff Temperley of Allied Window Cleaning in Florida for filming and interviews.
Lee Burbidge of WCM goes on to say, ” It would be great catching up with friends. The Jeff Temperly story (British dude shut up shop in the UK and opened up shop in the US) is one story I am looking forward to checking out. I think the follow up story with Jeff is going to be awesome. What worked, what didn’t work’
If anyone wants to say hello to WCM whilst in the US, please contact for more details.