Playtime: 13:23
Synopsis: The first episode from a mini-series that explores how US window cleaners compare to their UK counterparts. This episode concentrates on rope access as the team meets up with Jack Sewell of Sewell Window Cleaning (UK) on a small high rise building in Bromley, London.
It isn’t long before Jamie is disappointed and surprised at the rules of rope access in the UK as it is explained.
Background to this mini-series: Lee Burbidge, Editor of Window Cleaning Magazine brought together US window cleaners, Jamie Poulin of Lake Tahoe Window Cleaning and her crew, Josh and Corey together with US window cleaner Carrie Guenther AKA Window Ninja. Lee had invited them all to the UK where he had set up four companies for them to work alongside with. The journey began with rope access in Bromley London, to monster water fed poles in Central London.
Later, they would meet owner-operator Tom Coyle in Nottingham and learn the differences of pricing jobs followed by what it takes to water fed pole a big commercial job in Sheffield with Atkin & Son.
Both US and UK window cleaners discover a shared passion and experience major shocking differences between our two cultures.
Episode 2 – Monster water fed pole in London is out Saturday 24th March 2018 – Don’t miss this episode as the US team take on a monster water fed pole for the first time just yards from the American Embassy in Central London.